Little sweet omelettes with tomato

Little sweet omelettes with tomato

Make a lor of one-egg omelettes, beating in a spoonful of flour, one or two of milk, and a bit of sugar flavored with vanilla and grated lemon peel with eggs.

Cook them on a hot fire in a buttered frying pan. The put on each one three peeled tomato halves, well drained and dressed with rum and sugar. Roll the omelettes and keep closed with a toothpick.

Place them side by side in a buttered pyrex casserole, sprinkle them with sugar, and put them in a high oven so that the sugar caramelizes. Serve with the following sauce: 250 grams (9 ounces) of peeled tomatoes, with all their juice, cooked with 100 grams (3 ½ ounces) of sugar, lemo juice and grated lemon peel, and then sieved.

The omelettes and sauce are good either cold or hot.

Posted on 02/11/2015 da Team Fiaschello Battipagliese

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